Francesco Maurano

Name: Francesco
Surname: Maurano
Skill: Technologist
Phone: (Office) +39 0825 299 506
Phone: (Lab) +39 0825 299 161
Fax: +39 0825 299 641
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Curriculum EN: (click here to view it)

Researcher Activities

He Works as Technologist and  performs activities in support of research at the Institute of Food Science (CNR-ISA).  He actively collaborates in studies on celiac disease, focusing his interest in the development of an animal model capable of developing an intolerance to gluten. In particular, in recent publications have demonstrated the gluten’s role in the development of diabetes in NOD mice and the possible development of intolerance in mice DQ8.

He has contributed to the development of biochemical strategies to detoxify wheat gluten that are currently in clinical trials.

Support activities to management of the animal house in coordination with his manager.
Beginning from the 1996 he collaborates within the CNR-ISA computer service and in particular he is involved in the Access Port Manager of the Consortium GARR 


Key Publications

Gliadin intake alters the small intestinal mucosa in indomethacin-treated HLA-DQ8 transgenic mice.
Mazzarella G, Bergamo P, Maurano F, Luongo D, Rotondi Aufiero V, Bozzella G, Palmieri G, Troncone R, Auricchio S, David CS, Rossi M.
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2014 Aug 1;307(3):G302-12

Non-recombinant display of the B subunit of the heat labile toxin of Escherichia coli on wild type and mutant spores of Bacillus subtilis.
Isticato R, Sirec T, Treppiccione L, Maurano F, De Felice M, Rossi M, Ricca E.
Microb Cell Fact. 2013 Oct 29;12(1):98

Biochemical modifications of gliadins induced by microbial transglutaminase on wheat flour.
Mazzeo MF, Bonavita R, Maurano F, Bergamo P, Siciliano RA, Rossi M.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Nov;1830(11):5166-74.

Selective inhibition of the gliadin-specific, cell-mediated immune response by transamidation with microbial transglutaminase.
Lombardi E, Bergamo P, Maurano F, Bozzella G, Luongo D, Mazzarella G, Rotondi Aufiero V, Iaquinto G, Rossi M.
J Leukoc Biol. 2013 Apr;93(4):479-88.

Reintroduction of gluten following flour transamidation in adult celiac patients: a randomized, controlled clinical study.
Mazzarella G, Salvati VM, Iaquinto G, Stefanile R, Capobianco F, Luongo D, Bergamo P, Maurano F, Giardullo N, Malamisura B, Rossi M.
Clin Dev Immunol. 2012;2012:329150. Epub 2012 Jul 31.

Short wheat challenge is a reproducible in-vivo assay to detect immune response to gluten.
A. Camarca, G. Radano, R. Di Mase, G. Terrone, F. Maurano, S. Auricchio, R. Troncone, L. Greco and C. Gianfrani
Clinical & Experimental Immunology: 2012, 169, 2; 129-136

Conjugated linoleic acid protects against gliadin-induced depletion of intestinal defenses.
Bergamo P, Gogliettino M, Palmieri G, Cocca E, Maurano F, Stefanile R, Balestrieri M, Mazzarella G, David C, Rossi M.
Mol Nutr Food Res. 2011 Sep;55 Suppl 2:S248-56.

Immunogenicity of two oat varieties, in relation to their safety for celiac patients.
Maglio M, Mazzarella G, Barone MV, Gianfrani C, Pogna N, Gazza L, Stefanile R, Camarca A, Colicchio B, Nanayakkara M, Miele E, Iaquinto G, Giardullo N, Maurano F, Santoro P, Troncone R, Auricchio S.
Scand J Gastroenterol. 2011 Oct;46(10):1194-205

Immunological evaluation of the alcohol-soluble protein fraction from gluten-free grains in relation to celiac disease
Bergamo P, Maurano F, Mazzarella G, Iaquinto G, Vocca I, Rivelli AR, De Falco E, Gianfrani C, Rossi M. .
Mol Nutr Food Res. 2011 Aug;55(8):1266-70

Immunomodulatory effects of Lactobacillus casei administration in a mouse model of gliadin-sensitive enteropathy.
D’Arienzo R, Stefanile R, Maurano F, Mazzarella G, Ricca E, Troncone R, Auricchio S, Rossi M..
Scand J Immunol. 2011 Oct;74(4):335-41

Mucosal immunity induced by gliadin-presenting spores of Bacillus subtilis in HLA-DQ8-transgenic mice.
Bonavita R, Isticato R, Maurano F, Ricca E, Rossi M.

Adaptive response activated by dietary cis9, trans11 conjugated linoleic acid prevents distinct signs of gliadin-induced enteropathy in mice.
Bergamo P, Palmieri G, Cocca E, Ferrandino I, Gogliettino M, Monaco A, Maurano F, Rossi M.