

  • 1988: Pre-feasibility study for establishing the Institute.
  • 1991: Lay-out of the Institute.
  • 1992-93: Functional adaptation of the Institute.
  • 1994: Organization of the Institute: 1) Approval of the Institute Statute; 2) Nomination of the Institute Director and Scientific Board.
  • 1999: The “International Centre of Mass Spectrometry” (CISESMA) moves to the Institute.
  • 2001: The Institute is confirmed as one of the 108 Institutes of CNR.

The pre-feasibility project was drawn up in December 1988, and in 1991 the final layout of the operating structure of Avellino was formalized. The initiative was presented during a scientific conference entitled “The innovative research in the food sector in Italy: present situation and prospects”. The main changes made to the building necessary for the functional adaptation of the laboratories and workspaces were made in 1992-1993.In the same period, the first statute of ISA-CNR was approved, with the appointment of the first Director and of the Scientific Council, who took office in January 1994. The economic resources for the implementation of the activities of ISA-CNR were obtained in the framework of a program agreement between CNR and the Ministry for Extraordinary Interventions in the South, with the aim to re balance the ‘impact of scientific activities of the CNR in the South. Avellino, for its geographical position was considered an hub between four cities, Naples, Caserta, Benevento and Salerno, were Universities and Technology Parks are located.

With the Directive No. 15422 of 13.12.1999, the CNR set  a new research section at ISA-CNR, named “International Center for Services of Mass Spectrometry (CISESMA)”, by transferring to Avellino from Naples all the mass spectrometry equipment. At CISESMA was also located the direction of the “Network of Mass Spectrometry”, consisting of several Southern Italy Universities and CNR Institutes.

Finally, after the reorganization of the CNR scientific network, the Executive Board of the CNR, with the Directive N.16024 of 15/10/2001, established the new Institute of Food Sciences.