WorkShop: “Development of functional pistachio based-fermented beverage”

“Development of functional pistachio based-fermented beverage”

Joint Bilateral Agreement  CNR/National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Argentina)

Two-year program 2021/2022 

October 25th 2023, 3pm 

ISA-CNR, Aula Bottazzi 




15,00- 15,10 Michelangelo Pascale, 
Director of the Institute of Food Science, ISA-CNR, Avellino 

15,10-15,30 Anna Reale
Senior researcher, ISA-CNR, Responsible for the project–Italian Unit
Presentations of the project ”PISTACHIA”, Joint Bilateral Agreement CNR/CONICET

“A first insight into the role of lactic acid bacteria on the development of pistachio beverage”

15,30-15,50 Cecilia Puppo 
Professor, CIDCA-UNLP-CONICET, 47, La Plata, Argentina 
Responsible of the project –Argentinian Unit

“Why Pistachionuts? Insight of its physicochemical and nutritional properties”

15,50-16,10 Silvina Drago 
Professor, Inst. de Tecnología de Alimentos, CONICET, Univ. Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina 
“Effects of lactic acid fermentation on mineral bioaccessibility from novel pistachio-based beverages” 

16,10-16,30 Luigia Di Stasio 
Researcher, ISA-CNR 
“Bioactive peptides released by lactic acid bacteria in fermented pistachio-based beverages”

16,30-17,00 CONCLUSIONS 

Scientific Committee 
Anna Reale, Cecilia Puppo, Tiziana Di Renzo, Silvina Drago, Gianfranco Mamone 

Organising Committee 
Michelangelo Pascale, Anna Reale, Tiziana Di Renzo, Luigi Cipriano 


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